
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tips for a Successful Re-Deployment

Joe has now been home for almost a month and it has been amazing to have it home. I wanted to share with you some tips for a successful re-deployment. I did my best to have everything ready and planned for his homecoming and of course there were some hiccups, but in my opinion everything went perfect.

1. Have the house stocked with your soldiers favorite food - Joe and I have very different tastes in food. So I made sure that the house was stocked with his favorite foods. It is easy to forget about this and it is a very nice touch to make sure that his favorites is waiting for him when he gets home. They travel for almost a day, so food in the house is a must.

2. Make the perfect Sign - I searched the internet looking for the perfect sign. I looked at everything from random google searches, Pinterest, to Instagram. I invited Mal over (her artistic talents are amazing) and we made the best sign ever! It even made the front page of the Ft. Carson paper. Having a sign is a great and easy way for your soldier to find you in the crowd.

3. Find a great outfit - It always shocks me that you go to re-deployments and no one is dressed up. Your soldier has been gone for 9months to a year, you would think you would want to look good for him. It's also a place that you might meet his boss and his co-workers. I searched a ton of websites looking for a dress and ended up going with a Loft dress that I found on clearance for less then $30. 

4. Bring someone with you to take pictures - I hired a photographer, but you can also just bring a friend to take some pictures! This is a special day and you will want to remember it. You can see some of the photos here

5. Let your soldier sleep - Joe traveled for over 24 hours and he was tired. This is normal. It's going to be tough to sit there as he sleeps but it will be worth it to give him some time to rest. I was able to adjust my schedule to work really early in the morning so that by the time the redeployment ceremony was over I was exhausted as well. 

Re-Deployment is a very exciting and stressful time. Be flexible and just go with the flow. 

Do you have any re-deployment tips?

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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Cheers to Mal!!

This week I am sending my cheers to my good friend Mallory! Mal Smiles was one of the very first blogs that I ever followed. Mal has always been one of the kindest people in the blogging world. She has given me advice on how to get the most out of blogging and how to make my blog the best it can be.
Mal / Kaitlyn / Stephanie 

It was a very fortunate turn of events when her husband DLW got stationed at Ft. Carson. I admire Mal's commitment to work, she moved to Colorado a month early so that she was able to maintain a career as a teacher, while still being a supportive army wife. Mal and I moved around the same time and she was one of the biggest supporters during Joe's deployment.

It was so nice to learn that we have a ton in common.  Mal and I both love to do anything outdoors and active. We have hiked up the incline and ran a 10K. We are also able to just hang out. It is nice to have a go to friend here in Colorado. Since Joe has returned we have been able to hang out as couples. Joe and DLW also have lots in common and they also have become friends. 

So cheers to you Mal! Thank you for being a great friend. Here is to many more years of friendship! 

Link up with Casey for Cheers not Jeers! 

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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I'm Running a Marathon!!

I am excited and very nervous to share, that I am RUNNING A MARATHON!!! Joe and I will be running the Walt Disney World Marathon. This will be my 3rd Run Disney event and I am very excited that it will be my first full marathon. I always knew that I wanted it to be my first. (maybe my only)

I can't believe that a few months ago, Joe and I decided it would be a great idea to run a marathon. Looking back on it, I have no idea why we thought that. I have always wanted to run at least one marathon and I am so happy that I am going to be able to share this run with Joe, my biggest supporter. But after my last 1/2 Marathon  I was having second thoughts.

Nothing about running feels right here in Colorado. I can't make it past 2 miles without wanting to turn around and walk home. The furthest run I have done here in Colorado is a 10 mile run. I have a long way to go and not a whole lot of time to prep. I am really hoping that I can get out and put in the miles need to run a successful marathon. Wish me luck!

Have you ever ran a marathon?
Do you have any cold weather running tips?

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