
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Living in the Moment - Re-Branding

I have recently gone back and forth on what this space should look like and even if I want to keep it going. I have decided that I do want to blog. I enjoy the community that I have gained and the friendships, both people that I have met and people that I simply email with. I enjoy seeing what other people like and what they are doing.

When I started my blog, I wanted to do it all myself. Like most of us, I self taught myself how to use blogger and how to create buttons, banners, and everything else there is. But I am kind of getting tired of my blog name and look. To be honest, I didn't put too much thought into what I wanted to call this space of mine. I found the words "Living in the Moment" glaring at me on a Lululemon bag and they just seemed to stick. I am always on the go and it is super hard to just stop and enjoy the now. I am the type of person who is just planning and focused on what is to come.

At the time, I also was going through Joe's deployment and I was living back in LA. I was back "home" and spending a ton of valuable time with my family. So the mantra of  "Living in the Moment" was and still is a very important reminder to me. It reminds me to worry about now and enjoy the time and the moments that I have with my loved ones. It reminds me to not spend all of my days working and to enjoy my days off. It reminds me to go out and explore my life in Colorado.

Even though "Living in the Moment" is a good reminder, it is also very generic. I will never have It is kind of long and kind of lame. So I am faced with the decision on what to do next. Do I rename my blog and re-design it? Do I do the re-designing myself or do I hire someone?

Have you re-branded?
Have you hired someone to design your blog?
Was it worth it?

  Follow Me: BlogLovin / Twitter Instagram


  1. I did it! I also chose a spur of the moment name & after a while, I started to hate it. I ended up buying a pre-made design

  2. I feel ya! Even though I do think my blog name works well for many reasons, I'm getting to the point that I feel like it could be better, but I am taking my merry time thinking about what it should be instead. I think if you're unhappy with yours, by all means change it! You should love it! :) [And if you do choose a redesign, I have lots of premade designs for sale, plus I do custom designs! Couldn't help throwing that out there. ;)] Good luck, honey! :)

  3. I'm at this point now too... I feel like my blog name is too long and I'm trying to brainstorm something different. I've always hired someone to make and install my blog designs, one of my good friends, Caitlin, makes them! Her website is -

  4. It's always hard to decide on a rebranding definitely! But it's super important to decide on a blog name that you absolutely love so if you don't like it by all means change it!!!!
