
about me

Hi there, I'm Steph!

I'm just a normal girl living in Colorado. 2013 I decided to move from my home in Los Angeles to Colorado for a job and for Joe. I am currently working for one of the largest airports in the world doing what I love. I am also the girlfriend of a US Army Soldier. Things are gong well and hopefully I will be  more then a girlfriend soon.  I would consider myself to be motivated, outgoing, strong, and adventurous. I love to travel, meet new people, and learn new things. I am pretty fit, but always seem to find myself off of the wagon.

On my blog you will find fitness tips, some recipes, day to day life, and how I am adjusting to the military lifestyle. 

Why I blog:
1. I love the idea of having somewhere to share my life experiences with friends and family. I don't have a facebook, so hopefully this will work.
2. To make new friends and connect with women around the world.
3. "Meet" other military spouses. I must admit, I have stereo types in my head about what a military spouse is like and blogging is helping me erase those.  I am following many military spouses that continue to amaze me.
4. To keep me accountable for the fitness goals that I set.

I hope you enjoy!



  1. Hey Steph,

    I am new to the blogging world and am inspired by your blog. I wanted to send you an email but I can't find your email address. Let me know how to get in contact!

    I'm at

  2. Not really sure how I ended up here, but I think I just kept clicking and clicking until I finally stopped on your space! I'm still reading and I'm now your newest follower!

  3. I just found your blog on Bloglovin and a link up (I'm a new blogger so I've joined quite a few of them) and I love it! Your posts are inspiring and I can relate to a lot of them as a former military brat. I'm your newest follower!

    Rebakah @

  4. Hey girl! Found you through WIldcard Wednesday and following via Bloglovin! I'm an Air Force girlfriend, so I know it can be tough! I love your blog :)


  5. Hi there, I’m Judy! I have a question and would love to speak with you more. Please email me when you get a chance, thank you!

  6. I found your blog on Pinterest and your tiny tea review caught my eye! I also did on recently and will be putting it up on my blog! It's I usually write recipes and some restaurant reviews, I hope you'll check it out...good luck with everything!
