
Friday, August 9, 2013

H54F: I'm almost settled in!

This week has been filled with random men in my house.... but Joe is fully aware of all of them and none of them were my type. This week I had our household goods (Military speak for the movers with our stuff), a new bedroom set, internet and cable, washer and dryer, and I am patiently waiting for 2 new couches for our living room now to be delivered. That is a total of 11 random men in my house... kind of scary when I say it that way. Anyways, on with my H54F link up with Lauren from Lauren Elizabeth! 

1. After seeing our original house in shambles and almost crying about being homeless, Joe stepped up and called a few houses for me to view (I told him no one would answer a call from Afghanistan, but luckily the right person did). We finally found our house and I am a million times more happy with the location, neighbors, and the house. Thank you Joe for being so supportive, even if you are over 7,000 miles away. 
2. Speaking of Joe, he will be back in less then 100 days! I can't believe I am now in the double digits. This deployment has only made us stronger and I am looking forward to what our future has in store. I am so lucky to have such a caring, loving, kind, and supportive man by my side. I love you Joe. 
3. The movers arrived with our household goods. As I said above I had a ton of people come to deliver me stuff, but the movers with most of our things had to be the best. They were a little rough on the edges but were really respectful. 
4. I finally spilled the beans on what I think is my best Disneyland Secret ever. If you or someone you know is going to Disneyland anytime soon or even if you are just curious you should check it out. 
5. It is official, after a couple of big girl jobs, moving across the country a couple of times, and getting older... I am an adult. Look at our brand new washer and dryer to prove it. 

I had many other highlights this week, I am trying out a new gym and I had lunch with Kaitlyn from Wifessionals! We have so much in common, it is a little bit scary. I am looking forward to getting to know her more. I start work on Monday, so I only have this weekend to get my house together as much as possible.

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What was your highlight of the week?
I hope you have a great weekend! 

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1 comment:

  1. The house is beautiful! I can't wait to see it come together :)
