
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Fall is in the Air! - Sunday Social

This Sunday, I am linking up with A Complete Waste of Makeup for her Sunday Social! 

1. What is your favorite fall activity? 

I really love Halloween and everything that goes along with it. Decorating the house, carving pumpkins, picking out a costume, and going to Haunted Houses. I also love pumpkin bread.
2. Do you follow a football team? If so, which one and why?

I don't really follow one teem per say. I just enjoy football in general. I really love going to a game. Nothing feels more like fall then tailgating, sitting at a stadium, and watching football. I even like going to Buffalo Wild Wings so that Joe can keep track of his fantasy football team. (don't tell him that because that will give him the excuse to do it ever weekend)

3. What is something fun about fall in your area?
We just moved to Colorado, but last year we came out to check out the area. We went to the BEST haunted house ever!! I just happened to pick a house that is at the same exit as this amazing haunted house. I am also really looking forward to experiencing my first real fall. I am excited to see the leaves change colors and actually feel the need to layer. Who knows, with fall in the air I might actually get into the whole Starbucks pumpkin latte craze!
4. What are your favorite fall staple outfits?

Boots, sweaters, and light jackets!! I have never had a real fall ( I lived in California and Florida my whole life) so I am really excited to experiment with layers and really cute fall outfits. 
5. What things are you looking forward to most about this coming fall season?

I am really looking forward to Joe coming home from Afghanistan. This deployment has been way too long and I am ready to have Joe back home. I am sad that he will miss Halloween and his birthday, but I am so thankful that he will be here for Thanksgiving. 

6. What is your favorite fall holiday? Tradition?
Like I said above, I really like Halloween. But, nothing beats getting permission to eat whatever you want  and as much as you want and being able to spend time with your family and friends. So, it would have to be Thanksgiving. I am so thankful for so many things and what a better way to celebrate it with the people I love and care about eating food. 

Sunday Social

What do you love about Fall?
Any advice on what I should wear to keep warm this fall?

 Follow Me: BlogLovin / Twitter Instagram


  1. Just wanted to say hi from one Steph to another! I love Halloween too. We are already prepping for it! You will love fall, the layering of clothes, I think it is truly the best fashion season of all! Remember plaid is in this fall, so grab some of those flannels to bundle up in at night.
    Found you on the Sunday Social.
    Stop by A Geek in Glasses sometime and say hi!

  2. Halloween is so fun! I love being able to take my son out trick or treating and seeing all of the cute costumes of the kids that trick or treat around our neighborhood. Decorating for fall is fun too :D
    I've never been to a haunted house.. I'm kind of a scaredy-cat ha ha!

  3. I'm not a big fan of dressing up for Halloween, but I am SO excited to get our pup a costume :) Haha
