
Monday, September 9, 2013

Things I am loving about Colorado

I have been in Colorado for over 30 days now and I am really enjoying it. Here are a few things that I am currently loving about Colorado:
  • I am loving the mountains. It's so nice to look out my window and see Pikes Peek or go from a run and have trees all around. I am so blessed to live in such an amazing place. 

  • I am loving driving in less traffic. Living in Los Angeles was great, but the traffic was horrible. It is amazing how much traffic can affect your mood. Last weekend I went back home and realized that traffic gives me so much stress. It is so nice to come to Colorado and have less traffic. I drive 70 miles to work and I don't mind the hour drive because I am actually  moving. 
  • I am loving my new friends. It is so nice to move some where and have friends instantly. That is kind of what happened to me here in Colorado. I had my Blogging friends Mal and Kaitlyn. Plus, I had a few other friends in the area. Some through mutual friends and family. Mal has been my go to friend her in Colorado, we have had many dinner dates, watched a movie, and just hung out. I am sure we will continue to be great friends. Kaitlyn has been amazing, she was my resource on Colorado before I even got here. Once I did get here, she invited me over to meet some of her friends. 

  • I am loving my new job! I had been stressing about not working once I moved out here for about 6 months. Joe assured me that everything would be ok if I didn't have a job but I need to work for my sanity. I love working, it is part of who I am. I received the call almost 2 months ago and within a few weeks, I was moving to Colorado. Denver International has been amazing. I have learned so much about airport ops and my co-workers couldn't be any nicer. I am also loving my 3 day weekends! Working only 4 days a week is awesome. 
I am excited to explore Colorado even more, once Joe gets back in November. This will be our first home together and I can't wait to make a ton of memories and share some of them along the way. 

Do you know of anything fun we should do in Colorado?
What do you love about where you live?

 Follow Me: BlogLovin / Twitter Instagram


  1. One of the things I love about blogging the most...meeting amazing women from all over the country. I think it is great :) And glad you are loving your new home!

  2. glad you are having so much fun! One thing I wish I had more of were local bloggy friends, I am soo jealous! :)

  3. I'm glad you're loving Colorado! It's so awesome that you, Mal, and Kaitlyn have gotten to be "real-life" friends. :)
