
Friday, October 25, 2013

Everything is Ready...Almost

It has been nearly 275 days since I said good bye to Joe. He will be home so soon and I have everything ready! Well, at least I thought I did. I  have the house all set up, I have some of his favorite food and drinks ready, I have a photographer for his homecoming, I had ordered the perfect dress, bought the perfect necklace to go with it, and made signs for his return.

Yesterday, I checked my tracking number for the dress that I purchased and paid extra for express 3 day shipping to find that it had been delivered! Hooray, everything is ready... I went outside in hopes of finding my package waiting for me and to my surprise there was nothing. I checked my mailbox, thinking that it might have gone through USPS, because sometimes UPS delivers via USPS, and there was nothing. I called the 800 number and got ahold of a local UPS rep that sent a message out to the driver. I was suppose to get a call back within an hour, but it took closer to 2 hours. The new rep that called me had said that the driver had gone home for the day, but he was very familiar with my house (I may buy one to many things online) and he left the package at my door. Still no new information. I asked that she leave a note asking the driver to stop by my house today. This morning I got a phone call giving me the same information. I am aware what the tracking information said online. Thanks. The only new thing was that this rep was even more rude then the last. The only semi customer friendly "person" I got from UPS was from their twitter account. It's very sad when your twitter account has more customer service skills then your actual customer service representatives.

So now, I am still sitting in my house waiting for the UPS man to arrive. I am hoping it as miss delivered to a near by neighbor and my dress will be here by the end of the day. If not, I will be on the hunt for a new "perfect dress".  Just when I thought I was ahead of the game, something like this happens. Thank you UPS for adding unneeded stress to Joe's upcoming homecoming. I guess if this is the worse part of his homecoming I am doing alright.

On a happier note, don't forget to enter to win a $125 gift card to Zappos! There is only 2 days left!!

Have you ever lost a package before? Did it get back to you?

 Follow Me: BlogLovin / Twitter Instagram


  1. I hope your dress gets here today!! I bet you are so excited for him to come home! I can't wait to read about it! :)

  2. How exciting!! I'm sure everything will turn out in the end :)

  3. I've had issues with UPS knocking. I get stuff for work that I have to sign for, and they've left a missed delivery note without them even knocking. Hope it arrives!!!

  4. I really hope your dress gets delivered! Hopefully there was just a mishap and you will have it today!!

  5. Oh no! I hope they get your dress to you on time. What a pain in the butt!

  6. yeah I have had nothing but trouble with ups. I try to avoid using it if possible.

  7. I'm serious about searching all the porches! You will find it or find another dress that is even more perfect. Even if you don't, your boy will be home and THAT is perfect. So excited for you, friend! Let me know if you need anything else.

  8. I'm sure it'll be fine no matter what you wear because in the end, he's home, and that makes everything ok! :) but that is annoying, I agree!

  9. gah! you're making my eyes leak! you and joe are so cute! i love that you counted the days. p.s. sorry to hear about your stupid usps mishap. totes lame.
