
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tiny Teatox Review - Update

Today marks day 19 of 28 on my Tiny Teatox. I have lost about 4 lbs total, have increased energy level, and can see a tiny change in my body. I must admit, I have not been working out like I should have been for the past two weeks. I have only ran a few times and that's about it. I have been eating clean for the most part, but I have reintroduced pasta into my diet. Pasta is one of Joe's favorite meals, so I have been working on different recipes for when he comes home.

Overall, I am satisfied with Tiny Tea. It has helped curb my cravings and has given me a lot of needed energy. I have decreased to drinking the tea twice a day. It is suggested that you drink the tea 3 times a day, 30 minutes before your meal. The reason I went down to 2 times a day is because I was starting to feel bloated at night. I have never felt bloated before, so it was strange to feel my pant get tight only at night. I am still a little shocked about this because one of the main reasons why people drink the tea is to cut down the bloating. Almost every review online has had positive feed back on how the tea has helped them with bloating. I thought it might be my diet, but I am not sure what it might be.

For the next 2 weeks, I plan of hitting my runs and working out hard. I also plan on eating really clean and seeing if I can achieve better results. I am still undecided on if I will go back to drinking the tea 3 times a day or if I will go past the 28 days with tea that I didn't drink. Everything that I have read says that it is ok to keep drinking the tea. Here are my before (pink shorts, day1) and after (black shorts, day19) pictures. I feel like I look the same, but I can see a small change in my thighs and from the side view my stomach looks a tiny bit flatter.

I know this tea is not going to be a miracle tea, but I am hoping that it gives me enough results to get me motivated to loss those last 10lbs and tone up. This past year has been struggle to get my weight under control. The stress of the deployment and moving has been a tough battle and I am so proud of how far I have come. I was going through photos the other day and found a picture that was taken right before the deployment, I cannot believe how much I let myself go and how far I have come. I really hope that I can achieve my goals and continue to live a healthy life with Joe here. 
Left: 2 weeks before the deployment // Right: 2 weeks ago 
What are your fitness goals?

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  1. Lookin' good! I think I'm going to order this after the next pay day. (Working on budgeting over here...)

  2. You look great!! I just want to say be careful with the weightloss- I decided to start exercising and eating healthy and I'm now 106 pounds, and I'm 5'6"!

  3. What?! I've never heard of this tea before! I must try it! You look wonderful!

  4. i think you look beautiful in both before and after, but i'm super impressed and jealous of your self discipline. you look super healthy, and that's awesome!

  5. Did u notice the tea tasted a bit like mold? I'm worried my tea is mouldy?
