Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Friends and Fitness

I feel like friends and fitness go hand in hand. I have found that my closest friends are people who I workout with or have worked out with in the past. I guess it is kind of a no brainer, you like people who like things that you like. I really thrive off of working out with someone. I feel like it keeps me motivated and helps keep me committed. I am so lucky that everywhere I go, I can always find someone who is just as excited about fitness as I am.

We didn't plan to match, it just always seems
to work out that way. 
My current fitness bestie is Ana. She is a co-worker of mine who I go to Zumba with 2 times per week. She invited me to Zumba around the same time that Joe deployed and I thought that it was  a pretty lame form of exercise. How much of a workout could I get from 1 hour of dancing? I am not the best dancer either, so that didn't help. Boy was I wrong. I have lost inches with Zumba. I am a smaller person and sometimes it's very hard to see results, but adding Zumba was one of the best things I have done.

Ana is crazy unique, she always has a ton of energy and is very fun to be around She is a wife and mother of 2 adorable kids and often has great advice on life issues. She gives me a different perceptive and I really do value her opinions. She is a fighter and will always do what ever it takes to take care of her family and friends.
I have so much respect for who she is and am so happy that we have been able to build a strong friendship.

We are two very different people, yet we have many things in common. She is a strong believer in eating healthy and always has great fitness tips. We spend a lot of time just chatting about whatever is going on in our lives. She also great for a good laugh too! Whenever I am feeling down about something, she knows just what to say to make me laugh until my checks hurt. I am so thankful that I have been able to workout with her and get to know her better. I really hope that this will be a friendship that will last through all of my moves.


  1. soooo true! so nice that you have a friend that also keeps you on track!
    Helene in Between

    1. It's a must for me. I really need that motivation/friendly competition :) Thanks for stopping by!


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