Friday, June 7, 2013

When it rains it pours, but the sun will come out

Yesterday, I was having a horrible day. It just seemed like nothing was going right. I am having some troubles adjusting to some changes that are happening in my office.

To give you some background, I moved to LA to open up an office. I successfully opened and operate a 1 man show for a company that has 6 other offices. The other 6 offices have 5 plus people in each office, some even have close to 20. I have enjoyed working alone with little to no guidance. I think it has given me the ability to grow as a professional. My work world, as I know it, drastically changed about 2 months ago when the owner of the company let me know that someone from another office was moving to LA to help me out. I was so excited that this was happening.  I would finally be able to breath a little bit. I would have someone to share the responsibilities with and someone to share my daily route with. Let me note that this guy is my senior, he has been with the company for almost 10 years.

Everything was going fine, he had his first visit to LA about a month and a half ago and it was wonderful. He was very happy with my work, how I set up the office, and my general reputation that I have been able to maintain with my colleagues,  my clients, and my vendors. He made another trip down to LA to cover me for my vacation to Hawaii. He used this time to look for an apartment and to come in like a Hurricane (this was an analogy that a co-worker from the other west coast office gave me). He instantly was changing everything that I had set up, he was micromanaging me, cc'ing everyone on emails, and I felt like he was trying to find things that I am doing wrong. When he would change things he would say things like " this is how we do it in my office". It was really frustrating me and I couldn't just let it go. It was literately making my stomach hurt. I was un-happy and my suite mates could tell. Why do I let something like this get to me? I have spent some time thinking about it, it's because I created this office and I have maintained it all by my self for 1 year now. I feel like it is a personal attack on the job that I have done.

All day yesterday I was trying to focus on the positives. I have a wonderful boyfriend, I have an amazing family, and I have great friends.  I also have someone that I can talk to about work, who always listens to me complain. He helps me whenever I ask for help and I know he will be on my side and defend me .  Thank you RP!

After my horrible month day at work I decided to go for a run with my little sister. I am currently training for the Diseyland 1/2 Marathon and 3 miles was on my agenda. I was so frustrated with my work situation that I just tuned out the world and ran. I finished the 3 miles in about 26 minutes and logged my fasted mile. 8 min 35 seconds! This is not PR for the mile, but I think it is a big accomplishment for the week. I haven't been running for months and this is my first week back to running so I am ecstatic about that time.

When I got back to my room I had 2 cards from Joe. I love getting cards from him. I'll be sure to write about the cards shortly. After a short break, I left and went to Zumba. I haven't been since before my vacation and I was in need of it. I find that working out with someone is a really big friendship builder and makes friendships that last. I am lucky to have a friend to Zumba with .

So, although my work situation is not ideal, I am so thankful for the other people that I have in my life. One day, I will find that dream job and life will be grand. But until that day, I am going to enjoy the relationships and friends that I have, because I know those same people will be by my side when it rains and when it shines.

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